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Writer's picturekara-duncan

Look for the Good

I recently resurrected an old notebook from eleven year ago.  It was my gratitude journal that I kept during my seventh year of waiting to become a mom.  At this point in our journey, we were waiting to adopt, and after seven years of trying to form a family the wait had become monotonous and boring.  Those feelings could have easily led me to have an attitude of apathy and discontentment, which I didn’t want.  A way to combat that tendency was for me to start a gratitude journal.  My mission each morning in my quiet time was to write down at least three things from the past 24 hours that I was grateful for.  It was a way for me to start my day by looking for, focusing on and recording the good that was happening in my life, despite the wait.

(the beginnings of my journal several years ago)

After having dinner with a friend recently we were both feeling the temptation to complain about various life stressors: work, life and all the things.  I had been reading Colossians 3:1-17 which encourages several things, some of which is to focus on the realities of heaven and to give thanks always (verses 1 and 15).  My friend and I discussed this passage and decided that our stressors, although they do matter, they pale in comparison to eternity.  And if we focus on our problems for too long, they’ll start to seem bigger than the goodness that surrounds us.  Que the idea to resurrect my old gratitude journal.  My friend was bought in to the idea too.  We both left dinner with a commitment to use gratitude journals as a way to help us focus on the good things in our everyday lives.

After several weeks I’m reminded of what a helpful tool it is to write down what you’re thanking God for.  And I’m reminded how a Christian view of gratitude is different from a more generic view.  Here’s just a few ways:

  • God is the source – when I list what I’m grateful for I can chase each item’s origin back to the goodness of God

  • God’s Word is a guide – when my mind is with God’s truth in scripture, I can always find a reason for hope, even if my circumstances at the time aren’t ideal

  • It’s not circumstantial – Even on my worst days I always have something to be grateful for because of who God is and the joy of my salvation

  • It keeps me from self-reliance and a life of grumbling – the Israelites who wandered in the dessert for 40 years had a common pattern of turning away from their sin, but then soon enough they would start to grumble about what they didn’t like, and sin would start to creep back in.

So, what are you grateful for today?  Reflect back on your last 24 hours and look for the good.  I’d love to hear in the comments. 


Below is my list from today:

  • Filling boxes at Olivia’s AHG troop for Operation Christmas Child.  It was so sweet to see Olivia’s enthusiasm and joy for what gifts these kids would receive.

  • Time sitting in the sunshine

  • Getting in a good workout

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